UB Dental Alumni Association Reaching Others UB Dental Alumni Association
UB Dental Alumni Association
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2006 Buffalo Niagara Dental Meeting

Dave Rice '94 and Dean Richard Buchanan

Danaren Dental Lab

Tansy Gobeyn ‘09

Voss Dental Lab


Voss Dental Lab

Patterson Dental Supply Company

Patterson Dental Supply Company

Alliance Advisory Group

Weststar Computer Consulting

High Speed Service of WNY

Greg Herbst, Joyce Persch, Robert Lane, & Pam Larkin of Blue Cross Blue Shield of WNY

Joe Seiler, Michael Norton, Tim Ryan & Michael Trautman '88

Joe Ayrault, Anthony Tabone '97 & Dan Duke

Scican Inc.

Kisco Dental Products

Garfield Refining Company

Coltene Whaledent

Ivoclar Vivadent Inc.

Lifecore Dental

Marc Rossow '95 & Hossin Zarrin of Blue & Green Inc.

Greg George '80 & Tony Domenico

Anthony DiPaola (Williams Dental Lab) & Tansy Gobeyn ‘09

Patterson Dental Supply Company

Bob Crabtree '82 and Connie Lorrich of Arestin / Orapharma Inc.

Mike Zonio of Hayes Handpiece & Scott Benjamin '78

Bill Berger & Brad Weaver of Rochester Technical Group (RTG)

VOCO America

Doreen Pellittieri & Peter Pellittieri '58

Al Frost '83 & Othman Shibly '99

Rose Micro Solutions

Gary McBride '88, Norman Bartz '78 & Jeff Brody '78

Terry O'Keefe '86 & Jeff Leibowitz '87

Gary Stevenson, Vince Martino, Debby Martino & Vince Martino Jr.

Joe Steven DDS (The $1,000,000 Staff)

Ron Kaminer '90 (Comprehensive Laser Dentistry)

Mark Troilo DDS ($1,000,000 Staff)

Joe Steven DDS ($1,000,000 Staff)

Lora Sambora, Gail Wojdan & Marci Mendola-Pitcher '97 at the Ultradent booth

Alison Zuccala '94, Evan Lewis and Pat Hess of Sirona Dental Systems

Jinyoung Chung '08, Jin Kim '08 & Kyeshik Lee '08 at the Sonicare / Philips Oral Heathcare booth

Ryan Colosi '07, J.J. Long '08, Unnati Patel '08 & Royce Young '08 representing Buffalo Outreach and Community Service (BOCA)

Christy Palch, Kelly Tsimidis '97, Yaser Al-Asowsi & Ken Jakiel of Designs for Vision

Beth Reilly '84 & Tracy Hayes of Pfizer Inc.

Sarah Lynch, Jim Kasper Associates (Successful Transition Strategies)

Bill Kiraly, Christina Morganti, Howard Silver '97 & Tony Bondi

Kathleen McMahon-Wahler '90, Amy Trautman & Yvonne Flores

Abdulaziz Al-Sanosi & Hossin Zarrin of Blue & Green Inc.

Mark Hutten DDS (Meenaghan Symposium) & Chuck Marchetta '79

Terry Thines '75 (Infection Control)

Veronica Harris DA, Nancy Carriero RDH, Gloria Interdonato RDH, Barbara Hall RDH, Rochelle Marshall RDH, Mirely Rivera RDH & Mary Jo Toscano RDH

Patterson Dental Supply Company

Ivoclar Vivadent Inc.

Norm Mohl '56 (Drinnan Symposium)

Voss Dental Lab

Patterson Dental Supply Company

Dental Dynamics

Dental Tech Laboratory

Dean Rick Buchanan, Norm Mohl '56 & Ron Jarvis '63

Camillo Fontana DDS & Seb Ciancio '63 (Periochemotherapeutics)

Jeff Blank DMD (Blueprint for Esthetics)

Mark Hutten DDS (Meenaghan Symposium)

Benco Dental
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